
Questions Your Printer Will Ask...

If they are doing their job right, a sales person for variable data printing will ask you a ton of questions...don't be surprised if they have nothing to do with printing. Here are my top ten:

  1. What is your campaign goal?
  2. What will determine the success of the campaign?
  3. What kind of data do you have about your targets?
  4. What are the steps of the campaign?
  5. Why are you considering variable data for the marketing process?
  6. Have you used variable data to market in the past?
  7. How do you want to track ROI?
  8. Have you considered the date you'd like the pieces to appear in mail boxes?
  9. Have you designed the piece yet?*
  10. Print specifications - do you have desired paper and size of the piece?*
The more details you provide means you'll get the best proposal.

* I recommend you talk to your printer before you design the piece. They can give you advice on postal regulations, best paper and more.

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