Here are the top 10 reasons you should use variable data in your marketing campaigns:
#10 - You have the data, you pay to store the data, why not use what you're paying for to work for you?
#9 - It has been proven to increase response rates; sometimes to double-digits - unheard of with traditional direct marketing.
#8 - You want to learn something new.
#7 - It is cool.
#6 - It makes your company stand out from all the other messages being delivered to mail boxes, in boxes, and mobile phones.
#5 - It requires more upfront planning for long-term benefits. Yes, it does, but it will pay off.
#4 - You want to increase market share.
#3 - You want make your company shine.
#2 - You want to make yourself shine.
And...the #1 reason to use variable data in your marketing campaign...
It makes the piece relevant to the consumer which converts to more sales.