
Top 10 Variable Data & Marketing Blogs

Since starting this blog I've found some great articles and blogs about Variable Data Printing, 1:to:1 marketing and marketing in general. I thought I'd share the knowledge so you can enjoy them too. Here is my personal top 10 list:

  1. USPS Deliver Magazine http://www.delivermagazine.com/
  2. Data Guide http://www.dataguide.com/Print-Blog/
  3. Print CEO http://printceo.com/
  4. Big Fat Marketing Blog http://bigfatmarketingblog.com/
  5. Pat McGraw's Marketing Optimization http://www.mcgrawmarketing.com/
  6. Adobe's VDP Resource Center http://www.adobe.com/products/vdp/casestudies/index.html
  7. Spurspectives http://spurspectives.com/
  8. The Print Concierge Blog http://theprintconcierge.wordpress.com/
  9. Kodak's Print Ambassador Site http://www.printambassador.kodak.com/

And just because it's entertaining and informative:

5 Blogs Before Lunch http://daveibsen.typepad.com/5_blogs_before_lunch/